Dave Aitkin - July 3 2016

Freshman year of College. ACTF. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Park my car in Macomb at Brian and Brooks' house. Ride vans to Wisconsin. Sitting in the third row back of the "smoking van" between Brooks and Max. Youngest kid on trip. Sittin bitch. Awe, excitement, and honor rolled into one.

Brian makes final competition of 16 with me, Davey (Brooks being the first to refer to me as that on his regular basis) as his scene partner. Skip evening play to sit at hotel bar with Brooks, Brian, and Kati. I'm 19. Brooks tells me to order my beer with confidence. I do. I get beer. Sing karaoke for the first time.

Get back to Macomb. Snowed. Car got towed. Brooks reassures me, drives me to the lot, and fronts the cash to get it out of tow til my Dad gives me the money to pay him back a week later. No questions. Total Brooks.

Freshman. FRESHman. The fondest part of being new is realizing the "varsity" you are surrounded by. Remembering Brooks has me remembering Brian, Max, Darren, Sean, Chuck, Michael, Deni, Eric, Chris, Karl, Christian, Paul... Although we don't speak on a regular basis and maybe only occasionally through this crazy Facebook thing, you men have a strong hold in making me varsity. And I thank you now and remember you harder because of Brooks.